Informational Purposes Only/Attorney Client Relationship: This website and the materials that it contains have been prepared by Tovella Dowling for informational purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice. Your use of this website does not create an attorney/client relationship between you and Tovella Dowling. Although efforts are made to keep the contents of this website current, it may not reflect the latest legal developments. The application of specific laws and legal principles will vary according to location and individual circumstances. Anyone viewing information contained on this website should not act upon it without consulting an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation.

No Contract Formed Through Submission of Information. Please do not send any unsolicited confidential information via e-mail or the online contact form through this website. Contacting us does not give rise to an attorney-client relationship and will not be deemed to disqualify Tovella Dowling from representing a current or future client. Before any attorney-client relationship may be formed, Tovella Dowling will need to check for possible conflicts of interest. Tovella Dowling also cannot serve as your attorney unless you and Tovella Dowling expressly agree, in writing, that Tovella Dowling will serve as your attorney.